Gertek TrafikOA

TrafikOA in a nutshell

Gertek’s TrafikOA solution is the Tunnel and Road Control SCADA for the monitoring, control and management of both the public and private Road Network. Its philosophy is based on the support and interoperability between different Control Centres so that, in case of need, one Centre can take control of another Centre to continue with the normal operation of the Road Network.

Recently, TrafikOA has been expanded with a new module in the purpose of managing and monitoring C-ITS deployment in the Road Network, considering the operation and monitoring of RSUs/OBUs and C-ITS services.

TrafikOA components

TrafikOA solution is based in the WinCC Open Architecture (WinCC OA) SCADA from Siemens involving different modules. WinCC OA should not be understood as a monolithic application, but rather as a set of modules responsible for providing different functionalities:

  • GIS Maps.
  • Communication Drivers that allow interaction and communication with field-elements or other modules. For example, RSU.
  • Video management through two modules: Cameras and VideoWall.
  • Databases to visualise and store static and field element data.
  • Algorithm modules that use input data to visualise, trigger actions on field elements, propose action protocols…
  • Alarm Management, levels of criticality, execution of triggered actions.
  • Incident Manager, Action Plans and Macro Commands.
  • Simulation and training.
  • BI involving several modules, such as, Reporting, Dashboards and Predictive Analytics.
  • Network monitoring.
  • Interface with external systems, Web Clients, Sending SMSs, e-mail.
  • Maintenance management.
  • Security, profile-based access system.
  • C-ITS Ecosystem including Service generation, conversion to European Standards as Datex II, RSU control and monitoring

TrafikOA impact

Connection with a growing community in the field of logistics, goods transportation and transportation planning should foster better rest time management, easier access to truck stops, fuel stations, rest areas and SSTPA’s (safe and secure truck parking areas) in Europe. The service supports the drivers and planners in their day-to-day business and make their life easier on the road during their trips. It aims to limit cargo-theft, minimise search traffic, increase the number of online available parking locations, and contribute to a safer working environment for drivers.

TrafikOA users – stakeholders

  • Traffic Management Centres (urban and highways)
  • Transport systems and infrastructures owners and managers
  • Smart Cities
  • C-ITS and innovative mobility service providers
  • Fleet managers
  • V2X hardware and software companies
  • Research entities (universities and research centres) in related domains
  • Multimodal travellers and drivers and the wider public
  • C-ITS Platform maintainers


TrafikOA was developed by Gertek. Click here for more information.