
Cooperative Urban
Mobility Portal

Explore Connected and Cooperative Mobility

C-ITS Data Samples | SVW in Bordeaux


Urban Mobility Portal

Explore Connected and Cooperative Mobility

C-ITS Data Samples | SVW in Bordeaux

Blind Spot Detection (BSD)

Emergency Vehicle Warning (EVW)

Flexible Infrastructure (FI)

Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA)

Green Priority (GP)

In-Vehicle Signage (IVS)

Motorcycle Approaching Indication (MAI)

Road Hazard Warning (RHW)

Road Works Working (RWW)

Signal Violation Warning (SVW)

Warning System for Pedestrian (WSP)

SVW in Bordeaux

Bordeaux has a lot of traffic light intersections which are used daily by a high number of drivers, causing congestion and pollution. SVW was deployed on around 600 intersections in order to have the best possible impact. The following results describe the SVW analysis on the 5 most used intersections in Bordeaux.

Sample Data Description

The SVW is deployed simultaneously to the GLOSA and uses the same messages and log items (tlmaction, tlmevent and CAM log files). All of these log files are automatically recorded by the PID of the user. The tlmevent logs contain the basic information for each event (e.g. timestamp, log_stationid, intersectionid etc.). The tlmaction logs contain the status of the HMI and thus record the information that was presented to the driver at each moment in time with a frequency of approximately 1Hz. Relevant fields include the current and next signal phase and the distance to the stop line. The CAM logging is mainly used to derive the vehicle position, speed and acceleration for the entire duration of the event, also at a frequency of approximately 1Hz. For a more in-depth description of the logging format and the data fields in each log type please visit Open Common Log Data Format.

If a signal violation warning is shown to the user, it is logged in the tlmaction files using the eventmodelid == 10 and eventactionid == 1 or 2 or 3, depending on the imminence of the signal violation. The implementation of the service in the NeoGLS app is done in such a way that the service is only active in treatment mode, meaning that imminent signal violations are not considered (and logged accordingly) in baseline mode. Since this is a critical safety service, switching the service off for additional treatment events for evaluation purposes was deemed unfeasible, which is why there are no baseline logs in the data collected and an impact assessment on the basis of a baseline/treatment comparison is not possible for SVW. 

To simplify the provision and processing of data, all tlmaction logs are grouped into one tlmaction.csv file, all tlmevent logs into one tlmevent.csv file and all CAM logs into one CAM.csv file. 

You can download the log data here.

Blind Spot Detection (BSD)

Emergency Vehicle Warning (EVW)

Flexible Infrastructure (FI)

Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA)

Green Priority (GP)

In-Vehicle Signage (IVS)

Motorcycle Approaching Indication (MAI)

Road Hazard Warning (RHW)

Road Works Working (RWW)

Signal Violation Warning (SVW)

Warning System for Pedestrian (WSP)

This website has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
under Grant Agreement number 723311.