Motorway Parking Availability (MPA)
The objective of Motorway Parking Availability is to provide to truck drivers information on parking spaces, such as the location of parking lots, the number of their available spaces, vehicle types permitted to be parked, services provided in the parking lot, and associated rates, if the parking is secured or not.
Detailed information about Motorway Parking Availability architecture can be found here.
In Bilbao the MPA service is based on cellular communication technology. The service provides information of the CTVi truck parking in Vitoria-Gasteiz, located at the intermodal route of the Northern Peninsula (E-5 / E-80). CEIT is the service provider cooperating with Vitoria Transport Centre (CTV) on data exchange & management as well as information provision to professional drivers trough local App.
In Bordeaux the MPA service is implemented using cellular communication technology. Data about truck parking occupancy on the A63 highway is provided by the highway manager Atlandes. Truck drivers can access this information in real-time for all 12 lorry parking lots along the A63. The MPA service provider is NeoGLS and the service is available through the App “CTD – Connected Mobility”.